When you don't know what movie to watch, let Alexa choose a random one that you own. Or have Alexa choose a random sci-fi movie, or comedy etc. With My Movies you can add or remove movies from your collection. Soon there will be a web view to manage your collection of movies, where you can also add and remove movies as well as let the system choose a random movie for you to watch.
Some phrases you can say: "Ask My Movies to pick a movie" -> Alexa will choose a random movie from your collection. If you don't have any movies Alexa will tell you that you need to add some movies before picking a random one.
"Ask My Movies to suggest a sci-fi movie" -> Alexa will choose a random sci-fi movie from your collection. You can ask for a random movie from any genre.
"Ask My Movies to find Star Wars" -> Alexa will search The Movie Database and prompt you to add one of 4 results. For example Alexa will say: "Which movie do you want to add? 1) Star Wars released 1977, 2) Solo: A Star Wars Story released 2018, 3) Star Wars: The Last Jedi released 2017, or 4) Star Wars: The Force Awakens released 2015."
"Add number 3" -> Alexa will then add the third choice from the search results to your movie collection
NOTE: My Movies is NOT an Alea list. So trying to say "Alexa add Star Wars to my movies" will cause Alexa to think you're trying to add "Star Wars" to an Alexa list called "My Movies." In order to add movies you need to say something like: "Alexa, ask My Movies to find Star Wars." Alexa will then offer you some results it found from The Movie Database and then you add the one you want.
NOTE: All movie searches from TMDB, and therefore any movies added to your collection, have the "include_adult" flag turned off. Meaning TMDB will filter your searches to not include any adult/mature content. If TMDB deems a specific movie as adult content, then this skill will not find it.
Credit: Movie searches and details are provided by The Movie Database (TMDB)
“Alexa, tell My Movies to pick a random comedy movie”