"Time Manager" is your personal reminder application. It can manage to your to do list and reminder ("reminder" has an action a date with it, "to do" don't have any fixed date).
You may also login to web app where you can set reminder/to do for your self (for a date / frequency). You will be reminded via email/sms/phone call. You may also subscribe to push notification by saying "notify me" after you launch "Time Manager" In google assistant. Here is the link to the web application https://idonotremember-app.appspot.com/ui/index.html 1. Sign in using google and Login to : https://idonotremember-app.appspot.com/ui/index.html#/menu/tab/todo
2. Go to the "To Do" tab
3. Talk to the App using google "Ok Google" " Talk to my reminder application"
4. Link account using the Google user iD and password
5. Say things like "Get my to do list" or "Add a new reminder to get bread and honey".
6. Try saying add a new reminder. 7. Try saying notify me. If you want to turn off push notification say "unsubscribe"