The 'Nearby Entertainment' skill for Amazon Alexa provides information on local live entertainment. You can inquire by city, venue, or entertainer. The skill can play demo audio, such as a song from your favorite local band. You can also request the address of the venue. To use, say "Open Nearby Entertainment skill for Amazon Alexa", "Ask Nearby Entertainment skill for Amazon Alexa about Myrtle Beach", "Ask Nearby Entertainment skill for Amazon Alexa about (insert the name of a band or entertainer)", or "Ask Nearby Entertainment skill for Amazon Alexa about (insert name of a local pub or bar)". Please note that this skill relies on venues, bars, bands, and entertainers to provide information on their upcoming events. They can list their events at Encourage your local bands, bars, and venues to be aware of this skill. Thank you for enabling this skill and for your patience as it gains traction.