Quickly find useful information from your NEO LMS account while using Alexa. You just need to enable the skill and link your NEO LMS account with Alexa. The account linking is simplified and you only have to use a 6-character code generated in your NEO LMS account in the Settings area under Integrations. If you don't see that option, please contact your school administrator. Also you have to be over 13 to use this skill.
You can find the information you desire from NEO LMS just by talking with Alexa. You can open the skill like this:
"Alexa, open NEO LMS"
Questions supported by the NEO LMS skill after opening it:
"Do I have homework?" "What is my homework?" "What is on my TO-DO list?" "Are there new announcements?" "What is on my calendar for today?" "What are the events for tomorrow?" "What are the upcoming events?"
If you need help just say "Help" after the skill was opened. If you want to exit just say "Stop".
To quickly find out what you want you can ask your questions without having to use the open statement:
"Alexa, ask NEO LMS if I have homework" "Alexa, ask NEO LMS what is my homework" "Alexa, ask NEO LMS what is on my TO-DO list" "Alexa, ask NEO LMS for school announcements" "Alexa, ask NEO LMS what is on my calendar for today" "Alexa, ask NEO LMS what are the events for tomorrow" "Alexa, ask NEO LMS what are the upcoming events"