This skill allows you to play live radio and on-demand audio from NET, Nebraska's PBS & NPR Stations
You can play live radio from one of our stations, including:
The NEWS & CLASSICAL station. This is our over-the-air broadcast channel that's available on radio stations throughout Nebraska (for a list of the stations, see To play this station:
•"Alexa, tell N.E.T. to play the Classical station",
or use the call letters of your local station: •"Alexa, tell N.E.T. to play K.U.C.V." or "Alexa, ask N.E.T. to play K.R.N.E."
or simply: •"Alexa, tell N.E.T. to play N.P.R."
You can also play the NEWS & JAZZ station - our alternate HD Audio channel, featuring some different NPR programming and jazz music at night: •"Alexa, ask N.E.T. to play the jazz station" or "Alexa, tell N.E.T. to play H.D. 2"
To find out what's currently airing on the radio stations: •"Alexa, ask N.E.T. what's on now"
You can also play our locally-produced shows and podcasts on-demand: "Alexa, tell N.E.T. to play [showname]"
See what shows are available: "Alexa, ask N.E.T. what shows I can play"
Resume playback when paused: "Play" or "Resume"
When playing on-demand audio, skip to an older or newer item: "Alexa, previous" or "Alexa, next"
Get information about the currently playing item: "Alexa, ask N.E.T. what's playing"