This News and News skill keeps you informed about the day’s most important events. We explain not only the news, but why we think the news is important for you to know. Our skill will provide details on 8-10 topics and also include our Short Takes section with a quick summary of a wide range of interesting items.
This update is written by our award-winning team of experienced journalists. Not only do they produce these, but they work 24/7 keeping updated with the best, most balanced set of stories available on each news topic. Our work comes from across the political spectrum and we scour thousands of news sites each day to bring you the viewpoints of all sides.
For example, the skill might mention, say, that an impeachment hearing took place. While we will not lobby or promote the position of one political party, we will include several more paragraphs explaining the positions of each side in the debate.
We do not use algorithms to determine what you hear and want to make sure you get the best stories available, not just the ones your past listening suggests you should get. We rely on the news sense of our editors.
Select the News and News Daily Briefing skill today and let us help you better understand what is in the news.