Hosted by the globe-trotting, mom's-house-living and mysteriously charming Nick Flanagan, NFW is a peek into the the diverse community that Nick orbits - one that includes musicians, comedians, mental health advocates. It's also about his experiences singing in bands, doing comedy and living life while dealing with anxiety, torpor and depression - exacerbated by adult-diagnosed ADHD - after a draining stint in Los Angeles. Nick has met all kinds of people and seen things that cannot be unseen - mostly on Youtube. Bad news: he wants to tell you about all of them them. Conversational solo episodes and interviews with social workers, subcultural experts, musicians and comedians means NFW covers a range of topics with charm, aplomb and a hint of desperation. Episode times range between 15 minutes and an hour and a half and are released 2-3 times a week. Nick tackles the news of the day, grapples with the ups and down of a bohemian lifestyles, interviews interesting people, gives tales of gratitude and tries to make sense of ADHD and the public's changing perception of mental health. Sign up to Nick's newsletter for monthly updates at or at Check out his comedy and musical projects at and Produced by Andrew Lloyd. Logo designed by Peter Kalyniuk. Press photos by Brittany Lucas and Davida Nemeroff. Write the podcast at