Never miss the bus again! Just say "Alexa, open OneBusAway" to get started. You'll set your city and favorite stop, using the stop number. Then, just say "Alexa, open OneBusAway" to get arrival times for your favorite stop. You can choose which routes you want to hear information about for your currently selected stop by saying "filter routes". You can also change your city or stop at any point, or ask OneBusAway to repeat the last information. You can also have Alexa read times to you in a clock format such as 10:25am instead of "arriving in 9 minutes" - to enable this say "enable clock times", and you can disable it by saying "disable clock times". All predictions are based on real-time information unless they are followed by the words 'according to the schedule'.
You can find your stop number on the placard in the bus zone, in your OneBusAway mobile app, or on your agency website. For more information on finding your stop number, see
Currently supported cities are Atlanta, Rogue Valley, San Diego, Seattle/Tacoma/Puget Sound, Tampa Bay, Washington, D.C., and York Region (Canada).
Your city isn't listed? Check out how you can help your local agency join the OneBusAway Open-source Project at