From now on Parking fines are history for you! Parkbob tells you the applicable rules, restrictions, times, and cost for any given spot in many major US cities.
Available cities: * Austin, TX * Boston, MA * Columbus, OH * Houston, TX * Indianapolis, IN * Los Angeles, CA * New York City, NY * Phoenix, AZ * Portland, OR * San Diego, CA * San Francisco, CA * San José, CA * Seattle, WA
Where can I park? "Alexa, ask Parkbob, can I park here?" "Alexa, ask Parkbob, where can I park?" "Alexa, ask Parkbob, can I park at (address)?"
What rules apply? "Alexa, ask Parkbob, what parking rules apply here?"
To hear a list of all commands: “Alexa, ask Parkbob, what can you do?”
Disclaimers: The Parkbob skill requires Geolocation in order to answer the question "Can I park here". We also use the zip code and city of your device in order to get more accurate results when searching for addresses. To answer "Can I park here?" accurately, the Parkbob skill requires precise GPS location, ideally with an accuracy better than 10 meters. Please make sure to turn on location sharing, but also always check the signs! The Parkbob skill is optimised to recognise addresses - It may work with landmarks or other points of interest, but your mileage may vary.
“Alexa, ask Parkbob, can I park at 123 Cherry Street, Seattle?”