This is a party skill for Alexa. The owner can create a host list and guest list for the party. Then, when visitors come in, they can ask Alexa whether they are allowed in. Also, Alexa can tell you who is on the guest list.
Once you've enabled the skill, say "Alexa ask Party Bouncer..."
For adding people to the guest list or host list: - I am a host. my name is {James} - Add {Jim} to the list - Add {Tim} to the party - Let {Francis} in
For asking the "bouncer" if you are allowed in: - My name is {Fred} - Let me in. I am {Jim}
For seeing who is on the guest list: - Who is on the guest list? - Who is on the list?
For clearing the guest and host lists: - Clear the guest and host lists. - Clear the lists.