Pet Walker is an Alexa Skill to determine how long it is before dark so you can exercise your pet outside while it is still light. Assuming you want to walk your pet or ride your horse before dark, you can ask Pet Walker how long you have. You must specify which city you are near so Pet Walker can calculate the time before dusk or dawn.
Actions include walk, ride or exercise. Pets include the most common pets such as dog, cat, pig, rabbit, etc., or just the word pet. Available cities include capitals and other major cities around the world. If you ask about a city that Pet Walker doesn't know about, she will let you know. Information about small towns is not available.
Pet Walker has a slight sense of humor. If you want to ride your dog, she may remind you to exercise caution.
If you open Pet Walker by saying "Alexa talk to Pet Walker", then you ask a question, say "help" or "goodbye." In this case, an example question is "How long to walk my dog in San Francisco?"
You can also ask questions directly by saying, "Alexa, how long to walk my dog in San Francisco." You may ask for help directly by saying, "Alexa ask Pet Walker for help."
“Alexa ask Pet Walker how long before dark to exercise my horse in San Franc... ”