Picto Mime A super-fun turn-based game that will make every party a sound success! New subscribers can try it for free. Subscribers get over 1500 words to pictomime! New words and features are added each month, to endlessly infuse your parties with novelty and excitement! Show up your pictomiming skills, while your friends guess words that inspired you. You'll only need the 'Yes, we can pictomime anything' attitude, paper and pencil, and a screened device. Alexa will explain the rules of the game, will setup the teams and the winning threshold, randomly select topics and words to pictomime, count down while you mime and draw your masterpieces, keep the score, and announce the winners. Picto Mime categories include a mix of easy and advanced words, suitable for grown-ups parties (18 years of age or older). The game ca only be accessed on a deviced screen.
Game rules There are 3 main rules. Alexa will also guide you, step by step, when the game is launched: 1. Make 2 teams. 2. Decide who will be team 1 and team 2, for instance, by flipping a coin. 3. Each turn, choose 1 member of a team to be the performer, AKA, the PICTOMIME. Alexa will display a randomly chosen word on the screen, and announce out-loud the topic. The screen should only be seen by the performer! The performer may only mime and draw to communicate the word to their team: noises, or talk, or uses of numbers or letters are NOT ALLOWED! (i.e., the 4 No!'s: no talk, no noise, no numbers, no letters). The rest of the team has 60 seconds to guess the words that inspired the pictomime. Alexa will keep the score and announce the winners.