To activate the skill you may say something like this: Alexa, start Question Donald Trump. Alexa, ask Question Donald Trump what would he say about Hillary Clinton? Alexa, ask Question Donald Trump what is the most emotional Trump's quote? Alexa, ask Question Donald Trump to generate quote about peanut butter?
After this the Donald Trump skill is active, the ring at the top lights up blue. Now you may ask Alexa for quotes about some object or most emotional Trump quotes using a shorter phrase like the ones below.
Quotes about an object: What would Trump say about America? What about China?
Most emotional Trump quotes: What is the most emotional Trump quote? What is the most emotional Trump quote about Clinton? What is the most emotional Trump quote from last year? What is the most emotional Trump quote about America from last year? What is the angriest Trump quote about Mexico? What is the most happy Trump quote about Obama from last year? What is the most unhappy Trump quote?
Generate Trump quote: Generate quote about table. Generate phrase about Che Guevara.