ReactJS Dallas is the Alexa skill for the Meetup group of the same name.
You'll need to start by launching the skill using one of the example phrases above. After launching the ReactJS Dallas skill, ask about the group, or upcoming events:
"Tell me about the group." "When is the next meetup?" "Is there a meetup in March?"
Once you've found an event, Alexa can read the event's description to you, and you can ask about the event:
"How many people are going?" "What is the address?"
If you linked your Meetup account with the skill, you can also ask about registration:
"Am I registered?" "Register me for the event." "Send me an invitation"
About the ReactJS Dallas group:
We love Facebook's ReactJS, open-source projects, and developing apps for the web. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or a newbie to React, join us to learn more about why React is gaining traction among developers around the world.