RecipeMaster helps you find tasty recipes from ingredients you have at home using a database of more than 1 million recipes. It provides calorie count, health and allergy information. It sends all the information upon request to your Alexa App so you never lose track of it.
Once you hear a recipe you like, you can ask it things like: - how many calories does it have? - what are the ingredients? - what are the health labels? (e.g. low sodium, lactose-free, tree nut free, etc) - previous - next - send the recipe to my App
**Note**: skill does not currently provide cooking instructions as platform on which the skill is based on does not provide such information. We are working hard to find a solution.
However: when RecipeMaster sends the skill to your companion App it will include the link to the original recipe making it easy for you to discover the source and the original recipe.