Traditional real estate buying and selling has evolved to become impersonal and transaction oriented. Today’s buyer has typically narrowed their search, through online listings and real estate apps on their smartphone, before ever contacting an agent.
The revolutionary RecX puts the experience back in real estate. The very first of it’s kind, RecX was architected to personalize the real estate buying and selling experience for today’s tech savvy buyers and sellers.
Harnessing the power of Amazon’s Alexa—described as a “Perfect 10” by ZDNet—RecX enables agents to show listings via a highly intelligent digital assistant. Clients’ are put in the driver’s seat of their own home tours through on-demand interaction with Alexa.
The current subscription plan allow's only 3 devices, if this exceeds, user will have to delete an existing device , so that a new device can be added or the user has to upgrade the package to support more devices.
One property will be linked to only one device. If the user wants to link a new property, he needs to create a new property in application and then he will be able to link that property to the new device.