Ask for restaurants in any US city, also include the type of food you want to eat and you'll get many recommendations any time!
Restaurant Finder is free and will help you decide where to eat. Try Italian, Chinese, Mexican, American, French, Bakeries, Breakfast; any type of food can be a new restaurant waiting to be discovered!
Every time you ask you will get another recommendation! Try as many times as you want until you find a perfect place. Restaurant Finder will also provide you the exact address and phone numbers of the restaurant in case you want to call first or make sure you can get there before they close.
To start, just say "Alexa, ask Restaurant Finder for a restaurant in Dallas with Mexican food" or "Alexa, ask Restaurant Finder to look for a restaurant in Philadelphia".
At anytime, you can stop by saying "Alexa, stop". Have fun and enjoy your meal!
“Alexa, tell restaurant finder to recommend a Chinese restaurant in Portland... ”