RGB Internet Radio is a free downloadable app that plays 24/7 music. Music genres vary from
pop to hip hop and oldies-but-goodies. On Monday evenings at 8:00 pm, RGB Internet Radio
airs Talk Time, hosted by Robert Brown and Patti Cheever. Talk Time focuses on current and
international affairs, politics, and local news and events. On Saturday mornings, from 7:00 am to
3:00 pm, groove to Oldies-but-Goodies of your favorite soul and pop music from the 70’s to
90’s. Saturday afternoons at 4:00 pm, the Winning Women Talk Show, hosted by Regina
Shearer, spotlights women from all walks of life who share their journeys and challenges to
success in their careers, vocations and aspirational goals. Sunday mornings from 6:30 -8:00 am,
Sunday Morning Glory, hosted by Bishop Robert G. Brown, provides gospel music, spiritual
reflections, prayers, and words of encouragement. Get the RGB Internet Radio app from the
Apple Store or go to www.rgbinternetradio.com to listen live on the website.