San Francisco Transit Predictions gives you the next arrival for the route and stop you specify. Just ask Alexa the route and stop, and she'll return the minutes until the next arrival and where the route ends. Not authorized, sponsored, or endorsed by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA).
Stop IDs are usually found on muni poles, shelters, and signs. You can use phrase variations that include the route and stop ID for which you're requesting predictions. For instance:
- when is the next {Route} arriving for {StopId} - when is the next {Route} for {StopId} - when is the {Route} coming for {StopId} - when the {Route} is coming for stop {StopId} - when the {Route} is arriving at {StopId} - when the next {Route} is coming at {StopId} - when the next {Route} is arriving at stop {StopId}
Code is open source and contributors are welcome:
“Alexa, ask s. f. transit when the next N is coming for thirteen nine eleven”