Before you can connect Alexa with Savekey smart devices, you need to follow these steps:
1. Download "Savekey Cloud Control" app from Apple App Store or Google Play. 2. Choose America server. 3. Sign up or sign in with your Savekey account. 4. Setup the device with your "Savekey Cloud Control" app, and make sure you can control it in the app. 5. Open Alexa app, search "Savekey (Global)" skill and enable it by signing in with the same ID you used in "Savekey Cloud Control" app. 6. After the setup is finished, you can control the device with Alexa. 7. You can rename the device, add it to a zone, or add it to the routine in the Alexa app.
After setup account and link with Alexa, please get Alexa’s attention by simply saying. For example: "Alexa, discover devices." "Alexa, turn on bedroom light." "Alexa, turn off bedroom curtain." "Alexa, set bedroom light to 50 percent." "Alexa, set air condition to 26." "Alexa, set air condition to heat." "Alexa, set air condition fan speed to minimum."