Science Grandma is your lab assistant for recipes and protocols!
Just say something like “Alexa, ask Science Grandma for the RNA Extraction protocol“ and it will retrieve it from the database! On you can find thousands of protocols curated by researchers around the globe. If you find a protocol that you like, you can have it read for you by Alexa on demand. And if you don’t find a suitable one, don’t worry, it is quite easy to get your well established protocols there :) .
How to make it work:
Select or create your own protocol on ( Get the protocol ID from selected protocol ( Then you can access it directly by number! (“Alexa, ask Science Grandma to read protocol number 13851) and done!
After this, you can also do the following steps to get protocols by name (how cool is that?!) :
Link this skill to Google Drive, by saying (“Alexa, ask Science Grandma to set me up”) Create a sheet named “Science Grandma” (like On the first column, put the name of the protocol as you would say it and, on the second column, the number in the database. And done!
What can you do:
Ask for a protocol by number ( id) or name Go step-by-step ( by just saying ‘next’) Go to specific steps by number (“go to step 5”)
If you want to give ideas or report bugs, you can reach out to This is an open skill and the source code will be available soon in Feel free to build upon it! This skill was built by @lubianat at the Computational Systems Biology Laboratory of the University of São Paulo ( and is part of a suite of skills called ‘Lab Family’.
Each skill is independent of the others, and they are meant to improve daily life in molecular biology laboratories. Of course, you are free to use them anywhere you like!