In Sentiment Blue you will try to match Microsoft Azure's sentiment measurements to specific goals, by making positive, negative or neutral statements. The closer you match the goals, the higher your score. You may not always agree with Azure's measurements. That's OK! And if you want to consider it a toy instead of a game, just ignore the score. That's OK, too!
In a practice round, you can get an idea of how Azure rates your statements as positive, negative or neutral, assigning a score between 0 and 100.
In the first round of game play, you will be asked to make a statement to match each of those sentiments. In round one, points are awarded based on how many attempts it takes to match the sentiment.
In the second round, you will be asked to match both the predominant sentiment (e.g. POSITIVE) as well as the degree of that sentiment that Azure measures (e.g. POSITIVE @ 83%). In round two, points are awarded based on how close you get to the target, as well as a degree of difficulty (some targets are harder).
Your high score is saved, so in subsequent visits, you can try to top your previous high score.