There’s no denying that Rick and Morty is one of the greatest shows on TV.It is perhaps the most intelligent philosophical exploration on nihilistic optimism and the search for meaning in the infinite expanse of possibilities, despair, and drama that is life in the multiverse.It is also full of dirty humor. And ultimately, isn’t that what life’s about?
Well, as Rick would point out, life isn’t about anything, so we all create our own meaning.But Morty probably put it best in the frequently-quoted season one episode “Rixty Minutes,” when he said the following: “Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody’s gonna die.Come watch TV.”
In this quest for personal meaning and fulfillment TV offers people solace and to distract themselves from the pointlessness of existence. Of all the shows out there, Rick and Morty gets this the best. It balances high-brow philosophy at its most bleak and challenging with those lowbrow jokes and science fiction elements which bring smiles to people when they need a reason to smile. Rick and Morty gets it. But how well do you get Rick and Morty? Are you one of the rare 1% fans who have watched enough of the show to understand its meaning and references? Find out by answering yourself with these questions!