The Silent Gliss action offers users the option of conveniently transmitting switching commands to the Silent Gliss SmartHome system via voice commands.
This allows devices and scenarios to be switched that have been specifically enabled for use by the user via voice commands. The commands used come very close to normal voice use, so that the instructions are easy to internalise and become intuitive over time. Examples for voice control: - "Ok Google, turn on the light"
- "Okay Google, set light to 50%"
- "Okay Google, turn the party light to green"
- "Okay, Google, set living room temperature to 21 degrees."
- "Ok Google, activate movie night". The action offers a secure login using an unlock code, the certainty that the authentication runs via a German authentication server and the security that devices/scenarios must first be approved for use by the user. Minimum requirement:
Silent Gliss HomeServer from version 3.8.0
Silent Gliss App from version 2.14.0