This application bridges the gap between the Amazon Alexa voice interface to AWS IoT through AWS Lambda in order to bring voice control to your home devices.
Requirements: 1) Amazon AWS IoT account and setup 2) Alexa-enabled device or 3) Avnet BCM4343W IoT Starter Kit with ZentriOS, or any other IoT-enabled board
Procedure: 1) Set up your AWS IoT to interface with the board, making sure your device name is registered as zentri_XXXX (XXXX being the last four digits of your device's MAC address) 2) Make sure the Smarthome Sherpa skill is enabled in your Alexa app 3) Initialize the connection between Alexa and your IoT device with the following series of commands:
- 'Start Smarthome Sherpa' - set endpoint as ...' followed by the 14 character alphanumeric prefix to your AWS IoT endpoint in NATO Alphabet. In other words, the 'XXXXX' part of (search online for help on NATO phonetic alphabet) - 'set device ID as...' followed by the last 4 digits of your device's MAC address
4) Use any of the provided phrases ('go', 'stop', 'wait' etc.) to command your IoT device. For help, you may use the phrase 'ask smarthome sherpa for help'
List of commands:
1) Start Smarthome Sherpa 2) Help 3) Set Endpoint as ... 4) Set Device ID as ... 5) Stop 6) Go 7) Wait 8) Cool it 9) Start Publishing 10) Stop Publishing 11) Message ... 12) Get Light 13) Get WiFi 14) Reset 15) Goodbye