If you love space, then this game is for you! You are on planet Earth and you are trying to find a hidden treasure box full of space coins! But, DISASTER! The treasure has been hidden in one of the other 7 planets in our solar system! Your job is to travel to planets of your choice and discover on which planet it is on. However, to earn the ability to travel, you must first answer correctly a question about space.
Answer correctly and you can move on, answer incorrectly and GAME OVER! Still, it gets harder. You only have four tries to guess on which planet the treasure is on. You get reminded how many tries you have left each time you answer a question correctly. The less tries you use to guess the planet, the more space coins you will find in your treasure box.
This game is equipped with entertaining sounds and lively pictures to go with them. By the end of the game you should feel like a space expert! Get as many space coins as you can and of course, HAVE FUN while playing!