Stonehenge NYC Skill allows you to perform most of the actions that are available within the Stonehenge Tenant App with just using your voice.
To learn what the Stonehenge NYC Skill can do, simply say "Alexa, ask My Building to tell me what you can do?". Alexa can also send you full instructions on the Stonehenge NYC Skill features.
Here are some commands to get you started:
To get the info about packages waiting for you, just ask: "Alexa, ask My Building did I get anything?" "Alexa, ask My Building if I have any packages." "Alexa, ask My Building if my package has arrived." "Alexa, ask My Building if I have any packages downstairs."
To create a maintenance request, simply say: "Alexa, ask My Building to create a maintenance request." "Alexa, ask My Building for maintenance." "Alexa, ask My Building to report a problem in my apartment."
To get brief information about updates you might have missed, just say: "Alexa, ask My Building for the latest updates." "Alexa, ask My Building what's up?" "Alexa, ask My Building what did I miss?" "Alexa, ask My Building what's new?" "Alexa, ask My Building what's new today?"
To know about notifications, simply say: "Alexa, ask My Building to read alerts." "Alexa, ask My Building for alerts." "Alexa, ask My Building if there are any alerts."
To get your TenantID: "Alexa, ask My Building what's my tenant code?" "Alexa, ask My Building to give me the tenant code." "Alexa, tell My Building I need my tenant code." "Alexa, ask My Building to tell me the tenant code."
To learn more about the notifications you received from Stonehenge NYC, ask: "Alexa, ask My Building what are my messages?" "Alexa, ask My Building about the updates for me." "Alexa, ask My Building about the notifications for me."
“Alexa, ask My Building to create a maintenance request.”