A platform by Griffin Ambitions Ltd.: a Hoosier founded—Buckeye based—National 501(c)(3) non-profit motivating higher education institutions to effectively address the needs of their students with mental and emotional health needs. Operating under the insight of policy advocates and industry professionals: subsidiaries such as the Student Mental Health [Policy] Alliance and Vital Time: remain focused on mental health equity in Higher Education. Established in early 2016, our first of its kind non-profit is a trusted ally in the conversation about mental illness—known for openly collaborating with other mental health professionals, academics, resources and advocates to grow this consequential movement. Our focus is reaching other health and wellness advocates to assure that mental health and substance use conditions are reframed as public health issues, on a par with the other major public health issues confronted by our society. Viewing mental wellness as the core of wellness and thus the core of public health, Jacob Griffin (Executive Director) and the media division known as, 'Vital Minds' are committed to developing a powerful wellness agenda that integrates mental health and substance use issues with general health issues. The realization that mental health is integral to overall health signals a fundamental change in our conceptualization of health - one that rejects the dualism of mind and body and realizes that the pursuit of health must be approached holistically by embracing a person's biology, psychology and social environment simultaneously. Thank you for your interest and support. You may learn more on our website at GriffinAmbitions.net