SunUps is a 12 step mind and body exercise routine based on the ancient yogic practice of Surya Namaskar. The skill allows you to do the following:
BROWSE Say Alexa, Ask Sunups to begin browse mode. In this mode, you can browse through the steps by saying NEXT, REPEAT or START OVER. Listen to detailed instructions for each step and practice replicating each pose.
TRAIN Say Alexa, Ask Sunups to begin training mode. The skill provides a training module for those who are unaware of the steps involved in Surya Namaskar. Follow along with Alexa till you are comfortable doing SunUps on your own. Listen to detailed instructions to replicate each pose. Alexa will keep track of the number of sets you do.
TIP OF THE DAY! Alexa, ask Sunups to tell me a tip/fact OR tip of the day. The app provides detailed information about the various benefits of making SunUps a daily practice and the various ways to deepen your practice.
DO Alexa, ask Sunups to start expert mode. Once you have learned how to do SunUps or are already familiar with them, you are ready to start doing them and let Alexa track your progress for you! Try to complete all levels to become a Sunups ninja! This mode provides Sun chants and Flute music accompaniment to elevate your experience.
SCORE Alexa, ask Sunups for my score. Alexa, ask Sunups to reset my score.
Alexa will tell you what level you are on and how many Sunups you will need to go to the next one!
ALTERNATE NOSTRIL BREATHING/ BELLY BREATHING Alexa, Ask Sunups to Begin breathing exercise.
Use calming flute music as an accompaniment for your daily 10-minute pranayama or breathing exercises. View the card for instructions.
Alexa, ask Sunups to start guided relaxation. Relax your body and mind with awareness using the 9-minute guided relaxation track provided. You may use the guided relaxation track to relax whenever you feel stressed or anxious.
Alexa, ask Sunups to start sun chants You can use the 4-minute sun chants track for an energizing meditation experience.
*DISCLAIMER: Please seek your doctor's advice before you start these exercises. The information provided are tips and should be not considered as medical advice. *