A collection of amazing 15 facts and 15 rules about chess. Most of them are unheard by us. Chess is more than about black and white squares, and this skill contains something different from just black and white.
How to play: Trigger the Alexa by saying "Alexa, open Tanha's chess mania"
Then if you want to here the facts then try by saying any of them : 1) facts about chess 2) facts 3) get some facts related to chess 4) what are facts about chess 5) tell me some interesting facts about chess 6) get some interesting facts about chess 7) what are some facts related to chess 8) get me chess facts 9) tell me chess facts 10) interesting chess facts 11) chess facts by tanha 12) chess facts
Then if you want to here the rules then try by saying any of them : 1) rules about chess 2) rules 3) get some rules related to chess 4) what are rules about chess 5) tell me some interesting rules about chess 6) get some interesting rules about chess 7) what are some rules related to chess 8) get me chess rules 9) tell me chess rules 10) interesting chess rules 11) chess rules by tanha 12) chess rules
By this you will be able to know interesting facts and rules about chess.
It also provides another facts or rules if asked, by saying: 1) tell me another fact 2) tell me another rule 3) one more fact 4) one more rule 5) another fact 6) another rule