The task buddy skill allows you to keep track of how much time you spend on your hobbies, work tasks, chores, ...
To invoke him say : Alexa, start task buddy !
The to start tracking your activities you can say: "Start tracking me running" and "Stop running" each time you exercise
You can also ask anytime "How long have i been running" to get you total exercise time
If you ask "What have i been working on" without specifying a task Alexa will give you the time spent on the top 5 tasks
You can also look in your lists to get a quick summary of what you've been doing
Finally, if you say "Remove running", it will delete the task from the tracked tasks The task name can be anything, you just need to keep referring to it with the same word (run is different from running)
There is many ways to talk to this skill to make the interaction more natural, you don't have to say exactly the sentence from the example if the meaning is the same, don't hesitate to experiment ! Permissions required :
- lists reading and writing -> all the tasks tracked are synced with a list item in a dedicated task tracker list along with the time spent on it
- reminders -> a one hour reminder is automatically issued each time you start a task
- timers -> WIP, in the future you will be able to ask Alexa to track a task for xx minutes More examples of working utterances (there are more but it's mostly variations on those) :
- Start tracking a task: begin ..., start ..., time me for ..., I'm starting to work on ..., I'm beginning to work on ..., can you begin tracking me ..., track ..., time me ...
- Stop timing a task: stop timing me ..., end of ..., turn my ... off, so I ended ..., end my ..., stop ...
- Get the time spent on a task: how long did I ..., how much time have I spent on the ..., how long has the ... taken, how long did I last ..., how long have I worked my ...
-Get a list of tasks where most time was spent : list the jobs I was working on, list the tasks I been working on, what kind of projects do I have, what have I done lately, which projects have I been working on
- Delete a task: remove ... from list, remove ..., delete ... from list, remove the activities for ..., reset my activity for ..., reset ..., delete ... Don't hesitate to contact us in case you have an issue or you have improvement to suggest !
We sincerely hope you enjoy using this skill !