Teem has built an Alexa for Business skill that works as a meeting room assistant for your workplace. The Teem meeting room assistant combines the benefits of Teem with the convenience of Alexa’s voice interface to help you manage your meetings more efficiently. Through natural voice controls, your employees can now book a room, check-in to an existing meeting, extend and/or end a meeting, report issues with meeting room equipment and more.
How It Works Teem’s meeting room assistant with Amazon Alexa simply leverages the same Teem platform as your other workplace tools like EventBoard, LobbyConnect, and Flightboard. Once the Teem meeting room assistant is configured, any meeting participant can book a room, check-in to a meeting, extend meeting room reservations, end meetings early so coworkers can use the room, submit work requests, and more.
Available Commands “Alexa, ask Teem to book this room for 10 minutes” “Alexa, ask Teem to book this room” (defaults to 30 minutes, or however much time is available in the room, whichever is less) “Alexa, ask Teem to check-in to this meeting” “Alexa, ask Teem to extend this meeting 15 minutes” “Alexa, ask Teem to extend this meeting until 1:05 pm” “Alexa, ask Teem to end this meeting” “Alexa, ask Teem when the next meeting is” “Alexa, ask Teem to submit an issue with the [ TV ]” - submits a work request for an amenity.