TENN Radio is a fresh radio station playing all genres of music 24/7. Listeners are able to message in their song requests and what they are doing whether they are listening at work or listening to TENN Radio while getting ready for a big night out. A shoutout will be done live across the world. Scheduled DJs throughout the day giving their own unique vibe across to all listeners. TENN Radio will run competitions where listeners are able to text in with a chance of winning prizes. To have more interaction with our listeners, live calls and interviews will take place. You can listen by one of the following, download our Apple / Android app "TENN Radio" You can also ask Alexa to play "TENN Radio" Or go to our website www.tennradio.com. TENN Radio are on all social media platforms where we will respond to listeners such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube by searching tennradio. Give us a like, follow or subscribe. Happy Listening!