The TextSanity skill for Amazon Alexa provides the ability for registered TextSanity customers to send text messages to their contact list and schedule messages to send to tag names saved within TextSanity. You can also use a contact's phone number to send a message.
Account Linking: In order to properly use the skill, you will need to link your TextSanity account with the TextSanity Skill for Amazon Alexa.
This can be done in the Alexa App on your phone or online at Just click on "Settings" in the TextSanity skill settings and then click on Link Account. You will then be prompted for your TextSanity username and password. Once this is completed you can then search for your contacts and tags you have saved within TextSanity.
What you can say: "Send a message" to send an immediate message to a saved contact "Schedule a broadcast" to schedule a broadcast message to be sent on a specific day/time to a tag name. "Send to a phone number" If you want to use a contacts phone number.
Sample phrases you can ask alexa to perform:
To Send a Message: 1. Alexa ask Text Sanity 2. Send a message 3. Give Alexa a contact name to search for 4. Give Alexa the message to send
To Schedule a Broadcast: 1. Alexa, open Text Sanity 2. Broadcast a message 3. Give Alexa a Tag Name 4. Pick date (e.g. Tomorrow) 5. Pick a time (e.g. four p m) 6. Give Alexa the message to broadcast
To Send to a Phone number 1. Alexa, open Text Sanity 2. Send to a phone number 3. Tell Alexa a contacts phone number 4. Give Alexa the message to send
** The contact(s) receiving the messages will see the approved senders registered TextSanity phone number on their caller id