The RegEx Quiz lets you test and expand your knowledge of regular expressions in an interactive way. Each quiz consists of five questions, such as “what character will match the previous character zero or more times?”. You then give your answers by saying the name of the character, in this case “asterisk” or “star”.
The RegEx Quiz is aimed at people who are either actively learning or are au fait with regular expressions. The quiz has been programmed from scratch by Software Engineer Geoff Hayward with the goal of creating an enjoyable experience. The quiz has been well tested. And the questions have been rigorously researched.
Once you enabled the RegEx Quiz on your Alexa device, say “Alexa, start the Regex Quiz”. Answer each question out loud, just saying what you think the answer is. If you need to hear the question again, you can ask the quiz to “repeat the question”. If you have no idea what the answer is, just say “pass”, “skip” or “sausages”.
The RegEx Quiz does not collect personal details. The RegEx Quiz does not include advertising. The quiz does promote the capabilities of RegEx Solutions a regular expressions writing service by Geoff Hayward (the quiz’s author).
Please send issue reports, ideas for improvements and question suggestions using the contact form at
Thanks you for reading this description. Enjoy the RegEx Quiz.