These short updates keep you up-to-date about the developing Voice landscape.
We feature news about, for example: * the production and presentation of Briefings * developing your voice-brand personality * new features and functions of smart-speakers * the take-up of voice devices and case-studies of how they are being used (such as hospitality, education and business settings) * reports into voice-orientated sales strategy * speakers' integration with other technology * and so on.
We may even talk about associated news from the world of podcasts (after all, what are Briefings if not mini-podcasts?), and how to better use your own personal *human* voice for presentation and persuasion.
There *won't* be deep-dives into Skills and how to code them! (Who *is* Jason anyway?!)
The regular Briefings are presented by award-winning BBC presenter/reporter Peter Stewart (@TweeterStewart on Twitter), a six-time published author on broadcasting, journalism and social media.
Highlighted stories are archived at: More about Peter: