Growing up nobody told us millennials adulthood was so..... (I'll let you fill that in). Life, (or TheHUS·TL as we call it) Is the ultimate test. It can sometimes feel overwhelming & the world can be a ruthless place. Managing jobs, businesses, bills, family, relationships, friendships, emotions, childhood trauma, anxiety & a host of other daily issues can be too much for even the strongest of us. Every Morning The Re·UP delivers what we hope are the answers to some of life’s questions. By opening conversation on topics that are usually taboo we hope to begin to heal past wounds, and become better versions of ourselves. Personal development requires a daily commitment to self, which sometimes can be as small as allowing your mind to toy with a new concept. The key to all of this is, however, is consistency. So let’s start from today and reclaim control of our lives.
Topics Include:
Personal Development, Anxiety & Depression, Micro-goals and Productivity, Entrepreneurship, Healthy Living, Spirituality & more.