Time Tracker by eBillity helps you track and bill for your time. Happy customers from around the world have relied on Time Tracker to log 875+ million hours and generate more than $1 billion in invoices. With the Alexa skill, you can run multiple timers and even create time entries!
To use this skill, you must be connected to a Time Tracker account.
Here is a list of commands that you can ask to interact with timers:
"Start a new timer" "Pause all my timers" "Stop all my timers" "Resume all my timers" "Delete all my timers" "Get the status of my timers"
The Time Tracker skill can also help you create time entries. For example, you can say: "Create a new time entry for 8 hours and 30 minutes"
You can also interact with specific customers that exist in your Time Tracker account. For example, if you had a customer named John Doe, you can say: "Start a new timer for John Doe" or "Create a new time entry for 6 hours for John Doe."
For users that have time cards enabled instead of time cards, here is a list of commands: "Clock me in" "Clock me out" "Employee status" (You can use this command to see which employees are on or off the clock.)
“Alexa, ask time tracker to create a new time entry for six hours”