This is quiz to help learners to master maths times tables in a simple and fun way. It aims to build Mathematical fluency which is required by all for their day to day needs.
The quiz questions are based on maths times tables. Every attempt will have 10 questions. The tables used are 2 to 12 (times 1 to 12). Questions are randomly picked from these tables.
After answer for each question, it will indicate the correctness, the correct answer (if wrong) and also the score. Each correct answer gets a score of 1.
If the question is not clear ask to "repeat" or "say again"
If you dont know answer say "don't know"
To stop the quiz say "end quiz"
To restart in between the quiz say "start new quiz"
ROADMAP for future release 1. Skill levels (eg tables 2,5,10 at level 1; include tables 3,6,9,4,7,8 at skill level 2; include tables 11,12 at skill level 3; include tables 13-20 at skill level 5 and so on 2. Maintain quiz state across multiple session 3. Multi-user quiz