It happens many times that you have to track the payments of different stuff that is shared between a group of people (the family, fiends or in a couple). Immagine, for example, a party organized with you friends. Everyone has paid for something, e.g., food, music, the rent of the place. You want to track all these expenses and finally obtain a list of the debts between your friend: who has to give back money and to whom. With Track Expenses you will obtain, at anytime, all the transactions of money in your group, in order to pay the debts, with the minimum money exchanges! Just ask "the gang cashier" to add an expense for the whole group or between two people. Finally ask for the list of transactions.
Some examples
In order to add someone's expense: "Alexa, tell the gang cashier that Robert pays 59 dollars" "Alexa, tell the gang cashier that Marc paid 122 dollars and twenty cents to Andrew"
Then you can ask: "Alexa, ask the gang cashier how much did Marc spend" for obtaining the total. You can also convert in Euro: "Alexa, ask the gang cashier to give me Marc expense in Euro"
One can cancel the last expense with: "Alexa, ask the gang cashier to cancel the last one"
The list of minimal transactions: "Alexa, ask the gang cashier the list of transactions" Even in this case you can convert in Euro.
One can reset everything with: "Alexa, tell the gang cashier to remove all debts"
“Alexa, tell the gang cashier that Marc pays seven Dollars and twenty to Jam... ”