Updates: TransitBuddy has been completely redesigned from the grounds up providing new ways users can interact with this Alexa skill. More conversational, less prone to errors, and more importantly, a faster response time.
TransitBuddy helps you get the estimated arrival time of your Chicago CTA buses. Simply ask this question:
Alexa... ask TransitBuddy to check bus {bus number} from {stop number}
For a list of stops, visit the CTA bus website. http://www.transitchicago.com/riding_cta/systemguide/buses.aspx
For even more simplicity, you can save your default bus number and stop number to multiple presets. For example,
Alexa... ask TransitBuddy to add my bus
You can retrieve the bus information with this command:
Alexa... ask TransitBuddy to get my bus Alexa... ask TransitBuddy to get my bus for preset {preset number}
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