Travelers using BCD Travel can now use the TripSource® skill for Amazon Alexa to stay up to date on trip details, including flights, hotels and car reservations. Simply link your TripSource account to the Alexa skill. Once that's done, you can ask for trip summaries and other details – and get an answer in seconds. TripSource is available exclusively to business travelers whose companies use BCD Travel as their preferred business travel management provider.
For general information, you can ask things like: "Alexa, ask TripSource for a summary of my trip." "Alexa, ask TripSource for my flight details."
For quick details, you can ask things like: "Alexa, ask TripSource what my flight number is." "Alexa, ask TripSource where my hotel is."
You can even add more specific information to your question, like a city or date: "Alexa, ask TripSource for my flight details to New York City." "Alexa, ask TripSource for a summary of my trip on December 3."
Setup: =====
1. Select the Enable Skill option. 2. Log into the displayed TripSource page and opt-in to sync your account to Alexa. 3. Ask Alexa to open TripSource either via your Amazon Echo or smartphone Alexa app.
You're all set!
Having trouble with the TripSource skill? Visit