Listen to the latest 60 second Truth Times Newsflash from Truth For The Times which focuses on Christian News, Reviews, and Commentary for the Narrow Road Follower of Jesus. Do not miss important Truth For The Times Headlines. Our TRUTH FOR THE TIMES and THE END TIMES online newsletters focus on defending and explaining how Jesus is the absolute truth that holds all of life together. He is the Creator, holds the earth in His hand, controls time and the future. We can only understand the times we live in by the prophecy and direction of God’s Word.
Remember that God's Word reminds us that “The person who tells one side of a story seems right, until someone else comes and asks questions.” Proverbs 18:17. So do not let anyone deceive you! You can pause and play by saying "Alexa, pause" and "Alexa, resume." Just say "Alexa, stop" when you're done for the day. You can say "Alexa, shuffle" to shuffle the playing order, or "Alexa, loop" to loop the current episode. You can also ask for previous and next episodes by saying "Alexa, previous" and "Alexa, next".
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