Welcome to the U-WIGO Smart Home Action.
With this action you can interact with your U-WIGO devices now using your voice. (First steps if you don't have devices on the U-WIGO app): 1. Download the app. *Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wigo.u_wigoconnect
*IOS: https://apps.apple.com/co/app/u-wigo-connect/id1480891208 2. Register on the app 3. Add your first U-WIGO 4. Start to add devices. Now, to start using the Google Home Action, please do the following steps. 1. Linking with U-WIGO:
On the Google Home App, Search "U WIGO". After, sign-in with your credentials wait while the linking process is complete. Now, your devices will be on the Google Home App. 2. Rename your devices (Optional)
If you like you can rename your devices for a name easier to pronounce. The default name is "{device name} {zone name}" 3. Control your devices with the voice:
You can try with the following examples:
*Turn on the tv
*Turn off the tv <<Usually, Google can respond with an error it's possible that your U-WIGO is disconnected. Please verify if your U-WIGO is disconnected, else you can contact with the support team>>