Unofficial NFL Teams Fight Songs is a skill that will help you listen to your favorite nfl teams fight/theme songs.
Below is a list of current nfl teams songs. More will be added regularly!
Jacksonville jaguars Atlanta Falcons Chicago Bears Cincinnati Bengals San Francisco Dallas Cowboys Detroit Lions Philadelphia Eagles Pittsburgh Steelers Cleveland Browns Miami Dolphins New York Jets Baltimore Ravens Los Angeles Chargers Seattle Seahawks Minnesota Vikings Washington Redskins New Orleans Saints Oakland Raiders Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
To play each teams fight songs, just mention any of the teams listed. For example, if you want to listen to the fight song of Atlanta Falcons, just say "Atlanta Falcons".
We will keep adding more fight songs regularly...!
Other commands available;
"List Teams"!
DISCLAIMER; This skill is NOT in any way AFFILIATED with, ENDORSED or LICENSED by the National Football League, any NFL team or NFLPA member.
By default, the songs will loop until you stop it. To stop the skill, say "Alexa, stop.” To resume it again, say "Alexa, resume."
Please leave a 5-star review if you love this Skill. Your 5-star reviews will encourage us to keep making more great skills.
“Alexa, start unofficial n. f. l. teams fight songs”