Ask Alexa if you need to wear sunscreen or to report your UV index by summoning 'UV Helper'!
UPDATE: Now you can get reports besides just the current index at your device location! You can ask Alexa to report the UV index and sunscreen advice for your current time and location, a specific time (today), a specific zip code, or a specific time and zip code.
to summon UV Helper: "ask UV Helper if I need to wear sunblock" "ask UV Helper for the UV index" "ask UV Helper for the UV index in 95616" "ask UV Helper for the UV rating at 4 pm" "ask UV Helper if I need sunscreen at 3 pm in 95616" "ask UV Helper for the UV index at 95616 at 3 pm" ... or just open the skill and make your request!
Please rate the skill and comment on improvements you'd like to see! Currently considering adding a feature for tomorrow's forecast at your default or custom zip code, also toying around with swapping city names for zip codes or adding it as a separate option. What would you like?
Before using the skill, make sure you allow it access to your device's location (and make sure that you've included your address information for your device in your Alexa app). Enjoy!
“Alexa, ask U.V. Helper for the UV index at 11 am”