With thousands of recipes to search from, Vegan Chef helps you find the right recipe to meet your dietary needs or your mood.
Once you've found that perfect recipe, we walk you through each step, one-at-a time, keeping you hands free while you cook. Just say “Alexa, open Vegan Chef” and we’ll resume the instructions right where you left off the last time.
If you choose to send the ingredients to your phone, we will prompt you for your mobile phone number. If at any time you want to clear your settings, including your phone number, just ask Vegan Chef to "update settings".
****Account linking is NOT required to use Vegan Chef.****
Here are some things you can ask Alexa:
“Ask Vegan Chef for recipes with cauliflower” “Ask Vegan Chef to show the next step” “Ask Vegan Chef to update settings”
If you find a recipe you like, try saying:
“Tell me more” “Send me the recipe” “Show me the ingredients” “Start cooking”
When you "update settings", you can choose between vegetarian and vegan (the default). We remember your choices and filter every search until you change your settings.
If you have questions or feedback (or you'd like us to add more dietary options), we’d love to hear from you! Please contact us at info@intwixt.com.