Control your vibe smart home products using this skill.
To use this skill:
- Enable this skill
- Use your vibe account to login and select gateway to ensure
discovery of devices connected to that gateway.
- Then just ask "Alexa, Discover devices"
- Alexa, turn on lights
- Alexa, turn off lights
- Alexa, set fan to 50%
- Alexa, dim light1 to 20%
- Alexa, turn on curtain
- Alexa, turn on bedtime scene
- Alexa, turn on cooking scene
- Alexa, turn on ac
- Alexa, turn off ac
- Alexa, set the ac to 25
- Alexa, make ac warmer
- Alexa, make ac cooler
- Alexa, set living room air conditioner to 22
- and many more.
Note: Rooms are not imported from vibe app