Using Online Videos To Promote Your Business. Just about every online business is now adding some sort of video advertising to their websites. This includes software retailers, car dealerships, travel agents, real estate agents, and even manufacturers. Businesses are realizing that they can get the attention of a viewer immediately with video as opposed to using a normal advertisement. Entrepreneurs who have items for sale are also using online video advertising to promote and sell their products. The best part is, thanks to YouTube it’s quite easy and cheap to do. You see, YouTube will let upload your video for free. You don’t have to pay them, nor do you have to pay for web hosting. You have now probably decided to implement the use of video technology to not only draw customers to your website, but make your site more appealing and increase your sales. But that is not all that you can do to increase sales on your website. Web videos are a great way for small or new businesses to get their name out there. The more that people see and hear your name the more your business will become a household name like the bigger companies. Unlike the bigger companies, most small or new businesses do not have the capital to produce television commercials. Web videos reduce the amount of capital that a business needs so that they can create their own commercials, infomercials and other such videos. We will provide you with a varies ways to use videos for your business or pleasure. We also provide video animations on our website at go there for video animations and get started creating videos.