Keep up with your tracking goals by checking Virgin Pulse with Alexa. Stay in touch with your progress and get motivated as you go about your day.
Check in on your daily Virgin Pulse progress with Alexa. Ask Alexa how you are doing today to get a quick status of your daily step count and how many steps to achieve your average. Track your sleep by telling Alexa how many hours you slept the previous night in the morning. Packed your lunch today? Tell Alexa you saved money by bringing your lunch. Drinking water is a great behavior! Each morning, tell Alexa that you drank water this morning. When you walk up the stairs, tell Alexa that you took the stairs and get counted for that tracker.
Note: Alexa and Amazon, Inc. do not store or retain your Virgin Pulse data. You will need a Virgin Pulse account to link the skill.
“Alexa, tell Virgin Pulse I slept 8 hours last night.”